
duminică, 14 februarie 2016


Un grup de elevi au participat la proiectul Erasmus+ ACADEMY OF DREAMERS,  în perioada vacanței de iarnă. Acesta s-a desfășurat la Casas del Monte, Spania. Proiectul este derulat în parteneriat cu
Young Partners for Civil Society Development Association.
Tipul proiectului: schimb de tineret (proiectul este finantat de catre Comisia Europeana prin intermediul Programului Erasmus +).
Through the "Dreamers' Academy" youth exchange and its activities based on non formal education, 41 young people from  Spain, Turkey, Slovakia and Romania, will acquire competences necessary to become participative and able to dream and realize their ideas. All that will be based on the following objectives:  
- promote active social participation of young people,
- promote youth initiatives,
- provide young people with practical tools for the development of projects,
- show the general population the values and motivations of young people,
- establish friendships with people from different cultures and through that, strengthen the Europen conscience and the feeling of belonging to the EU.
All activities have the aim of strengthening  young people's the ability to make possible their ideas/ wishes to come true. By those we will promote youth initiatives, active participation of young people in our society and development of key competences, so necessary to make their dreams come true in the future. Those activities are compound of educational sessions, creative sessions, reflection session, case studies, grupa and individual tasks, debates, videos, etc.

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